At my last blog I already extension string to deal with complex string replace.

This method already based a Template Engine.

Next step for a Template Engine is add parameter replace and call method.

To sperate UI Render and Data Logic.

As usual here is the core code.

// class TemplateBuildervar TemplateBuilder = function (owner) {    //constructor    this.owner = owner;}TemplateBuilder.prototype = (function () {    //private    var methodMapping = {        Test:function(value){            return value+" run in test method"        }    } //deal method mapping    var BuildTemplateHtml = function (templateHtml, paramObj) {        var exp = new RegExp("{([^{]*?)}", "ig");        var returnValue = templateHtml;        var result = exp.exec(returnValue);        while (result) {//loop till there is no template pattern string left            result = result[1];            var replaceSetting = { key: result, value: "" }            var splits = result.split(":");            var objType = splits[0];            var paramName = splits[1];            var mappingMethodStr = splits[2];            var obj = null;            //get param object            if(paramObj&&paramObj[objType])obj=paramObj[objType];            var value = null;            if (obj) {                value = TemplateHelper.GetParam(obj, paramName);            }            //check is setting template deal method            if (mappingMethodStr) {                var paramExp = /\((.*?)\)/ig;                var mappingMethodName = mappingMethodStr.replace(paramExp, "");                var method = methodMapping[mappingMethodName];                if (method) {                    var params = [value];                    var methodParam = paramExp.exec(mappingMethodStr);                    if (methodParam && methodParam.length > 1) {                        methodParam = methodParam[1];                        params = params.concat(methodParam.split(","));//get param                    }                    value = method.apply(this, params);//call method                }            }            if (!value) { value = "" }            replaceSetting.value = value;            ;            returnValue = returnValue.Format(replaceSetting);            exp.lastIndex = 0;            result = exp.exec(returnValue);        }        return returnValue;    }    var returnValue = {        //public          owner: null,        BuildTemplate: function (strTemplate, paramObj) {            return, strTemplate, paramObj);        }    };    return returnValue;})();

In previous code I used a help class TempateHelper

Here is the code

var TemplateHelper = {    GetParam: function (sourceObj, strParam) {        var strs = strParam.split(".");        var returnValue = null;        for (var i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) {            if (!returnValue) {                returnValue = sourceObj;            }            returnValue = returnValue[strs[i]];            if (!returnValue) {                break;            }        }        if (!returnValue) {            returnValue = $.trim(returnValue);        }        return returnValue;    }}